Friday, February 12, 2010

How are genital warts diagnosed?

Genital warts are a form of sexually transmitted diseases, is associated with human papillomavirus (HPV). These warts appear as small bumps that are raised and form of cauliflower. They are usually flesh-colored or gray. Genital warts usually appear on the anal and genital area. The symptoms of warts, can not be a couple of weeks to several months, so it is very difficult to detect if you have HPV in your system. The best way to find out is toVisit your doctor so that you can run the tests, the correct diagnosis and suggest the best treatment option that is appropriate for your situation.

Before the diagnosis of genital warts, your doctor will usually more questions for you about the symptoms that you currently have, your other medical problems, your medical and sexual history, and what types of medication you are taking.

The doctor will then have a physical examination so that he / she canYou see the signs and symptoms of genital warts. The first test is usually performed, is the direct visual examination of the area problem. This examination includes a thorough and careful observation of your genital area, thighs and pelvic area. In addition, the doctor will examine the throat and mouth areas of warts. What he / she tries are small flesh-colored spots on the skin that are raised. These genital warts vary in size and form lumps.

However, it is known thatNot all genital warts can be easily identified. Therefore, your doctor may prescribe other methods of investigation to verify the presence of warts. Several solutions are used. For example, acetic acid (white vinegar) is used. It is usually spread on the lips, cervix, penis, and around the anus, in order to verify the presence of small genital warts. In applying this solution to genital warts turn white. However, the presence of small white spots is not necessarily the patientin fact, has genital warts. This is because the acetic acid test were positive for other diseases such as fungal infections, psoriasis and lichen planus returns.

In addition to evidence of direct visual examination and acetic acid, your doctor may also perform a Pap test, that is, if you are a woman. A Pap test involves scraping cells from the cervix. The cells were harvested and then carefully examined for abnormalities. If yourSpot anomalies doctor, he / she will advise you to do further tests to determine the exact cause of these anomalies, too.

The physician may be subjected to one, ie, a colposcopy. A colposcopy involves the use of a magnifying device that is illuminated so that the doctor will do a better view of the cervix and vulva, to control symptoms and signs of genital warts. In addition, severe cases may require a biopsy. This testinvolves removing a small sample of tissue from the cervix and subsequent microscopic observation.

Before his final diagnosis, the doctor and other tests to rule out infections play, which are used to look like genital warts. Examples of these infections are skin tags, genital herpes, pearly penis papules and keratosis seborrhetic, among others.

It 'important to know as genital warts seen as soon as possible so that you canimmediately get any treatment, during the initial phase. Like other health problems, the chances of successful treatment of genital warts increased if previously managed.

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