Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sexually transmitted diseases - The Price of Sexual Freedom

In this modern era, sexual freedom is taken for granted and little is thought of promiscuity, as in generations past. However, the reality is that this sexual freedom also includes the very real threat of sexually transmitted diseases. Since not all STDs are curable, it is important to take measures to avoid them.

A sexually transmitted disease or STD is actually a combination of different conditions, that all persons that are acquired through sexualTraffic. AIDS, a disease that is caused by HIV, the most serious sexually transmitted diseases, and despite some progress in recent years, is still incurable and usually fatal.

Some of the other sexually transmitted diseases are problematic, syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, and non-specific urethritis. There are also a few other diseases, such as pubic lice, genital warts, trichomoniasis and brown rot, which are classified as sexually transmitted diseases, but less serious nature.

The incidenceSexually transmitted diseases in time and today there are recorded cases than at any time during the past three decades. The reason is mainly the young, that the use of contraceptives, greater sexual freedom, to feel welcome and has led to a change in the view of sexual behavior. It is also a fact that this sexual freedom of the people is always sexually active younger and younger ages. However, all contraception can not stop the spread of infections caughtduring intercourse.


One of the most serious sexually transmitted syphilis is highly contagious and if left untreated, can lead to death. Although not fatal, the probability of disability is high.

Not just the syphilis bacteria are closed during intercourse, but can also be passed to the fetus of an infected mother. The child is then a condition known as congenital syphilis born. This is quite unusual at this time, since allpregnant women undergo routine blood tests.

The incubation period for syphilis is different. Early symptoms can vary, making it difficult to diagnose early. Usually the first symptom, painless ulcers in the genitals, anus or mouth. As these ulcers heal without medical intervention, not the person, as a rule, not the mind, thinking that this is nothing important.

If the disease is not treated early, is likely to lead to death. It istherefore important that when a person believes he or she will be realized in contact with an infected person who was immediately consult a doctor.


Another serious and very common disease which is contracted through sexual gonorrhea. Often the female is aware that she is infected because around eighty percent have no symptoms. Other women suffer from dysuria (painful urination), or abdominal pain. Because this affects the fallopian tubes and canTherefore, to sterility.

The disease is evident to the man, making dysuria followed by a discharge from the penis. This is done within a week after contracting the infection. Gonorrhea in the male is usually confirmed by laboratory tests of discharge.

Dose of penicillin is the standard treatment of gonorrhea for males and females. It is also essential that the person dependent on alcohol and sexual intercourse for a period of several weeks. AlthoughThe treatment relieves symptoms quickly, it is important that the person continues to medical care to ensure that healing is complete have. It is a responsible person must inform any sexual partners of their infection, so that they will be examined and treated if necessary.


The most common sexually transmitted disease is nonspecific urethritis or NSU, which is still a significant increase. Many cases of chlamydia through the NSU, but are not the cause of all the germs. NSU isInflammation of the urethra and has no identifiable cause.

The main symptom is a discharge from the penis. This may be nothing more than the moisture on the tip of the penis, but this can vary. The discharge is different from that of gonorrhea discharge and makes it easier to recognize. There is also pain during urination.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes, other sexually transmitted diseases has reached epidemic proportions in the Western world. This is because the herpes virus does notbe cured and so, once infected, has set the germ of the person. Thus, an infected person adds to the population of carriers.

There are two herpes viruses. First, HSV-1, usually located in the mouth and is known as herpes labialis. Second, HSV-2, is an infection through sexual contact and is usually in the genital area and anus, as well as on the bubble, suffering from buttocks, thighs and legs of men and women.

After the firstagainst the virus remains dormant in the body. It will be repeated again and again, it is usually in the same place as a painful blisters. If any of these bubbles are opened, the carrier is highly contagious. Usually, low emotional and physical attacks, such as depression, stress, or injury.

Genital herpes causes pain and suffering of an adult, but not fatal. However, if the herpes virus is passed a child during its journey through the birth canal of an infectedThe mother is often fatal. It 'important for the mother to inform medical professionals to enable them to monitor the pregnancy and possibly advise you to have the baby by caesarean section.

Genital herpes can not be cured, but there are ways that attacks more bearable. While you can clean and dry the affected area and the carrier to prevent secondary infections. Pain can be minimized by the application of cold compresses, baths and even salt detainees.

FemaleConcerned must have a Pap test every year as genital herpes is ill with cancer of the cervix in combination.

When women can vaginal discharge are cause for concern. However, if the discharge is clear, it is unlikely that the outcome of the disease. If the discharge is offensive and discolored, and irritation of the vagina and vulva, is the presence of an infection that should be investigated. It is important that this not be allowed to continue, and the doctorOpinion should be tried as soon as possible, especially if it is accompanied by abdominal pain and fever, as it may be a reference to a sexually transmitted disease.


Obviously the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases through abstinence or monogamy. However, if you consider sex with a new partner, it would be appropriate to use a condom until you are sure the person. If you have problems, cleaning the genital area thoroughly with soap and water after sexual intercoursekill many bacteria. This is true for both men and women.

It 'very dangerous to apply antiseptic lotion for genital area and especially strong antiseptic for urethra or vagina pour because it can cause severe and permanent damage to the inside.

If you believe that there is a possibility that you may have an STD, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. Everything that happens is confidential and not share this information with anyone without yourOkay.

Think you help ensure that the staff on it gives you, judging you, and the atmosphere is usually very friendly and helpful.

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